Soft Prompts Go Hard: Steering Visual Language Models with Hidden Meta-Instructions
Soft Prompts Go Hard Abstract Images 위에서 작동하는 LM에 대해 새로운 indirect, cross-modal injection attack을 소개. Hidden “meta-instructions”를 통해 LM이 이미지를 이해하는 방식에 영향을 미치고, adversary-chosen style, sentiment, o...
Deep Learning 3.Probability and Information Theory
영어로 쓰면 시간이 오래 걸려 이제부터 한글로.. Probability and Information Theory Organization of the book Probability theory allows us to make uncertain statements and to reason in the presence of uncertaint...
[Deep Learning] 2. Linear Algebra
Linear algebra Linear algebra is essential for understanding and working with many machine learning algorithms, especially deep learning algorithms. 2.1 Scalars, Vectors, Matrices, and Tensors ...
[Deep Learning] 1. Introduction
Introduction AI is good at solving tasks that are intellectually difficult for humans, but conversely, it is not good at solving tasks that are easy for humans but difficult to describe formally. ...
Hello World
My first post of the blog